Business dos and don'ts in Ireland

Rvo,  Wednesday, 4 October 2017


Irish people shake their hands firmly at the first meeting and appreciate eye contact. You can read more about what they appreciate below.

Forms of courtesy

  • Irish people quickly speak to each other with the first name. They rarely use terms such as' sir' or' madam.'
  • In a meeting, it is customary to shake hands with each person present, both at the beginning and at the end of the meeting.

  • Communication Style

  • Prepare for discussions. Irish people love to discuss. During a meeting, all aspects of the deal are on the table.
  • Do not let silence fall during a meeting. Irish think that is rude.
  • Boasting and bragging have not been spent on the Irish. A humble attitude and showing your professional ability works better.
  • Take your time. Irish people prefer not to rush into closing a deal.
  • Please note that in a business transaction Irish connections have an advantage.
  • Observe the non-verbal communication when you make a business proposal. In Ireland, politeness is more important than telling the truth. If Irish people do not say anything anymore instead of agreeing, this usually means that the deal does not go ahead.
  • People of Ireland often disguise their indirect rejections with humor.

  • Clothing

    At meetings, you will dress formally.

    Business Times Businesses can be done during the week between 9.00 and 17.30 hrs. The lunchtime is usually between 13.00 and 14.00 hours.

    Business cards

    You issue your business card after the first introduction. This can be done without a formal ritual. Many Irish businesspeople do not have a business card of their own.

    This article of is based on . Translated from the Dutch language by Jos Deuling.  

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