Hungarian real estate glossary: key terms explained in Hungarian

Imre Németh,  Thursday, 7 September 2023

Person working with a laptop

Welcome to our vocabulary list for property purchase in Hungary! If you're considering buying a home in Hungary, there are specific terms you should be familiar with. Communication can be a challenge, especially if you're not fluent in Hungarian. This vocabulary list has been curated just for you and includes essential terms that will assist you in searching, purchasing, and maintaining your property in Hungary.

However, remember that this list is merely a tool. While it's important to know the basic terms, it doesn't replace the professionalism and expertise of a qualified interpreter or translator. When buying a property in Hungary, it's crucial that you fully comprehend all legal documents, and a professional can be invaluable in this context.

Ajánlat - Offer

Albérlet - Sublease

Ár - Price

Árajánlat - Cost estimate

Átadás-átvétel - Handover

Amortizáció - Depreciation

Bán - Seller

Bankgarancia - Bank guarantee

Beépített konyha - Fitted kitchen

Befektetés - Investment

Belső udvar - Inner courtyard

Bérlet - Rent

Bérleti szerződés - Rental contract

Bizottság - Commission

Bútorozott - Furnished

Dupla üvegezés - Double glazing

Egyedi fűtés - Individual heating

Egyezkedés - Negotiation

Eladási ár - Selling price

Előleg - Deposit

Építési engedély - Building permit

Energia tanúsítvány - Energy certificate

Energiatakarékos - Energy efficient

Felújított - Renovated

Föld - Land

Földhivatal - Land registry office

Garázs - Garage

Ház - House

Illeték - Property transfer tax

Ingatlan - Real estate

Ingatlanpiac - Real estate market

Ingatlanügynök - Real estate agent

Jelzálog - Mortgage

Kandalló - Fireplace

Karbantartás - Maintenance

Kérdőár - Asking price

Kiadó - Landlord

Kilátás - View

Közjegyző - Notary

Költségek - Costs

Lakás - Apartment

Lakóterület - Living area

Lépcsőház - Stairwell

Licit - Auction

Lift - Elevator

Megtekintés - Viewing

Négyzetméter - Square meter

Nyílászárók - Windows and doors

Padlás - Attic

Parketta - Parquet

Részletfizetés - Instalment payment

Szellőzés - Ventilation

Szobaszám - Number of rooms

Tégla - Brick

Telek - Plot

Terület - Area

Tetőtér - Loft

Törlesztés - Repayment

Tulajdon - Ownership

Tűzjelző - Smoke detector

Új építés - New build

Üres - Empty

Utcafront - Street front

Üzlethelyiség - Commercial space

Vásárlás - Purchase

Vállalkozó - Contractor

Vevő - Buyer

Vételár - Purchase price

Világos - Bright

Zárt parkoló - Enclosed parking

We hope this word list provides you with a solid insight into the Hungarian property market and aids you in your future property endeavors in Hungary. However, always bear in mind: When purchasing a house in a foreign country, it's of utmost importance that you understand all the documents and contracts you sign. A professional interpreter or translator is essential in this regard. We wish you all the best and much success in your property purchase in Hungary. Welcome home!  

House on the edge of a Hungarian village
Second homes, renovation objects and holiday homes for sale in Hungary. For sale by owner and agents. Properties at Lake Balaton, in Pecs and many other regions. 

106475650 Choosing a real estate agent is a good idea when buying property in Hungary. The services are specialized enough to fit all needs ranging from city apartments to luxury homes. For foreigners, the best way to meet good agents is by turning to a reliable firm or international franchise representation. Asking for information and checking the facts from multiple sources can guarantee that no harm will come with the purchase of the property. 
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