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Search for railway stations in France within a radius of a given location

Jos Deuling,  Thursday, 9 April 2015

If you are planning to buy a house in France (or if you've already bought a house) it is useful to know where the nearest train stations are. With the Google Map below you can find all train stations within a radius of 10, 25 , 50 or 100 kilometers from your address in France.

Enter an address and hit the Go-button to find railway stations in France near your location.

Address :


Ramen oud huis in Frankrijk
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Village house in the Provence, France There comes a time when you decide to sell your home in France. The travelling becomes too much, you want to buy another house or for financial reasons. Most people will sell their home through a broker. But you can also try to sell it yourself. Here are 10 sales tips. 
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