How to Choose a Good Real Estate Agent in Croatia?

Igor Katušić ,  Tuesday, 19 November 2013


This article is part of a series of 8 articles about buying property in Croatia. The other articles in the series cover the following topics:

Same as with everything else – you need to make a good and quality choice, because, after all, every choice you make will have a certain influence on your private or a business life. Same applies when choosing the right real estate agent.

Choosing a good real estate agent will make all the difference. Question is: How to recognize one?
You’ll have to take under the consideration more than a few elements. From recommendations, expertise and location, to your first impression, and above all - your instinct when all is summed up – everything will have to be properly analyzed in order to make a good final choice.
Now the following might seem a bit over exaggerated, but keep in mind what you are trying to do here – to buy a property. Not a small thing to do to begin with…

Here is the guide -- the checklist -- of how to choose a good real estate agent.


Start with the location. Even so there is maybe a high profile real estate agency in a big city center, not far away from the location of your targeted real estate; it would be a better choice for you to choose someone from that exact location.
Local real estate agent knows his surroundings better than one who is miles away and who will have to do the research prior to even begin with the process. Local agent already knows the details about every property on the market. He or she knows the upsides and downsides of the particular real estate – whatever it might be.


Next thing to notice is the profile of the agent. Is he new in a business, or he established him or herself already? You will have to ask around a bit or check the website for the background. Well established real estate agent is easy to recognize by using the official agency’s website and viewing the overall appearance of it while checking the portfolio within.
There are plenty of real estate data bases online today – similar to this one you are viewing at this very moment. Let them be your first step in your quest, because they won’t enlist anybody due to the serious risk of being compromised over the short period of time. They’ll make sure to enlist only those who are good in what they are doing. Contact them and ask a few questions – no harm in that.

Once you made your preliminary choice - details are what count, and you’ll have to visit a website of the targeted broker and even contact the locals:
· Check the dates under the pictures of the properties. What’s their range? Are they only recent or are there some older? This will indicate the time period of the broker’s presence in the market.
· Amount and types of the properties. Don’t think that the significant relevance comes from the waste number of a different properties – anybody can upload pictures and present it as the fact. After all, it’s impossible to keep track of every single change particular property may -- and in most cases will -- experience over the course of time. You know what you are looking for – search for someone who is more focused on your subject.
· How many are sold and how many are still available? This way you can analyze the effectiveness of the broker – just by looking at the ratio!
· Compare the prices with the other agencies. If the broker offers a price range significantly lower than the others, it might indicate that he or she is only trying to lure you and then prepare the strategy – you would be surprised how fast will that price go up.
· Check for possible feedback on site. Many agencies have the area on their websites where people can express their experiences. But, be aware that it isn’t that hard to fabricate those. If there are only a couple of them – ignore it.
· And if you are willing to go little bit deeper -- and you should, because this isn’t some minor adventure you’ll take -- check what others are talking about him or her by using the most powerful tool there is these days – Internet. This is the place where you can get the proper information and learn more about the background of the broker by going over the articles and posts on social networks and forums.
But at the end, nothing beats the vox populi, or the Voice of the People. Every mistake made in the past will find its way to the online and/or offline “world of mouth”:
· Go over the feedback; don’t take just one or two of them.
· Dig deep and ensure that your first impression stands.
· Speak with the locals; as this is the best possible way to learn something about someone on the spot. Start the conversation and you’ll be amazed how people are ready to discuss about someone else without his or her presence – something you already know.


Appearance and self-presentation are something to take under the consideration also. From the look and feel of the office; equipment; associates and partners – everything will hopefully create an image in your head and you’ll be able to make your final decision – this is or is not the right broker for me.
How to do that?
When you step in the office, take notice about the activities in there. Are they speaking on their cell phones or communicate with some other client(s)? Are they busy in any way? How many of them are there? Maybe the broker is working alone so make sure to check for possible folders on his/her desk or some shell. If the agent is active and successful; then there must be some traces of that and the best possible one is the large amount of documents - carefully organized.
It’s not a rule, but the one who appears unorganized is exactly that and that can be a downside in some cases. If you can’t organize yourself, how can you organize and execute a highly complicated matter such as a real estate deal!
By doing things thoroughly; you’ll ensure that your future deal will go smoothly and be finalized effectively.  

Roof of Croatian house
All types of property for sale in Croatia by private sellers and estate agents. Find your perfect villa, farm or apartment along the coastline or on one of the more than thousand Croatian islands. 

swimming coast croatia Croatia is an increasingly popular destination for UK buyers wanting to move abroad. Especially so since Croatia has joined the EU on 1 July 2013. In this blogpost ‘Buying Property in Croatia’ you will find info on the popular areas and the prices, the pittfals and a couple of buying issues. 
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