Cute Country Cottage  € 150000


This historical “Sheppard’s Cottage” is tastefully renovated and modernized but keeping the originality in every aspects. This cottage is located in the most sought after area by the foreigners as well as the city folks from Turkey. Property is backing the National Pine Forest and on the right there is 4000m2 State land which the owner of this cottage has the first option to buy.(State land are comparatively very cheap to buy) LOCATION: Kirazli (Cherry Village) is a wonderful little Aegean village of 900 inhabitants. It is located 9km inland from Kusadasi coast, which means pleasant nights even in hottest months of July and August. Most of the houses in the village date from the 19th century or earlier. The village lies in a lovely bowl of hills surrounded by cherry orchards, vineyards and olive groves. The higher hills are covered with pine forest. Nearly all houses command a pastoral panorama extending over many miles, undisturbed by any modern development. The surroundings are full of idyllic country walks. Some tourism has unfortunately come into the village in recent years, bringing with it some souvenir shops, a dozen restaurants and a few guesthouses. But farming remains the principal activity. Villagers make wine and olive oil, and grow some of the best cherries and peaches in the country. They greet strangers with a smile and very often invite them in for a cup of tea. 
Kirazli Village is 14km to Kusadasi city center. The name Kirazli (village with cherry) comes from the cherry trees in the village. It is a traditional village where you can experience the local village life. Hidden from the crowds behind olive groves, cherry blossoms and vineyards; Kirazli Village is one of the few non-touristy places left that offers accommodation around Ephesus. There are approximately 350 families living at the village, earning their lives from farming and animal breeding. Being the first example at the country, the organic farming is supported by the government. The main products of the village are cherry, olive, fig, grape, walnut and wine. However except the tropical fruits, every single type of fruit is grown around the village. On Sundays, Kirazli hosts Turkey's first certified organic product market. An- every year-increasing number of village restaurants are invaded by locals on weekends for their special family type breakfasts and traditional regional dishes. Although it is surrounded by all the touristy attractions , there are still no touristy shops in Kirazli village. However, a couple of boutique hotels are busy all year round. There is one mosque, one primary school, one health clinic, a butcher, a bakery, and three mini markets at the village. Public minibuses run every half an hour between Kusadasi and Kirazli at day time. Turkey is still an agriculture country and most of the people are still farmers. Unfortunately though the farming methods -just like in most of the other countries of the world- have been altered. To increase fertility and protect the products more and more chemicals are being used at the moment. KIRAZLI is the only village in turkey which has got the Eco-friendly agriculture certificate given by the Turkish government. When you are walking on the roads and the paths of Kirazli you will see olives, herries, pears, apricots, peaches, tomatoes, cucumber, eg  


Type de bien
Prix (€)
Numéro de la référence
jardin devant la maison
au village  -  près de la ville
Entourage / milieu
aproximité du forêt  -  proche de la plage
Possibilités du sport
ski  -  natation  -  promenades en montagne
Moyens de tranports
Aéroport > 50 km
Type d'immeuble
maison indépendante
Etat des lieux
en bon état
€ 100.000 - 200.000
en propriété