Eating out in Sicily

Wikivoyage,  Friday, 10 November 2017

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Frutta di Martorana

The most common eateries are:

  • Rosticceria - here you can usually pick up ready-made (roasted) dishes, the price ultimately determines the weight
  • Pizzeria - outside pizza you can also order various pasta dishes
  • Osteria - place for wine and small dishes
  • Trattoria - simple, but most regional dishes
  • Ristorante - luxurious place for regional, national and international dishes served at the table

  • In Sicily and Italy, in general, you always pay for the bread (pane) and sheet and napkin (coperto) and service (servizio), these are listed separately on your bill.

    Sicilian cuisine is one of the oldest and most diverse regional cuisine in Italy. A typical starter or intermediate dish is Arancini, small filled rice balls, or Sfincione, a kind of pizza of bread dough. Pasta con le sarde is a pasta dish from Palermo with sardines. The Pasta alla Norma with eggplant comes from Catania. A specialty of the countryside is the Farsumagru, a richly filled Roulade. In the coastal areas you will often find stuffed fish like the Sarde a Beccafico. Fried fish or meat is traditionally served with Insalata di Arance, a salad colored orange by the pieces of orange and red onions. Sicilian cheeses are Ragusano (usually referred to as Cacciocavallo) and Pecorino Siciliano.

    Candy plays a particular role in Sicily. The recipes are often from the Arabic period. Famous are the Cassata, a colorfully decorated cake, the Frutta Martorana, marzipan fruit (especially made with All Saints), and Cannoli, with ricotta-cream-filled dough rolls.

    Sicily is Italy's largest wine supplier with Cerasuolo di Vittoria and Nero d' Avola as the most famous wines. Marsala is a liqueur- like fortified wine which is available as dry (secco), semi-dry (demi secco) and sweet (dolce).

    Some other well-known wines: Regaleali, Etna, Salaparuta, Settesoli and Passito di Pantelleria.

    If you are going to eat in a restaurant, you are expected to order at least one first course (antipasti) and one main course (secondo). A dessert (dolce or formaggio) is ubiquitous. You can close your dinner (cena) with a cup of coffee (caffè) and that may be a cappuccino if you find an espresso too strong. If a complete dinner is too lavish, go to a small bar where there is a good chance that you can order a piece of pizza, a portion of olives or sweet and salty snacks.

  • Antipasto - (starter) usually consists of a buffet where one serves oneself
  • Primo piatto - typically consists of a pasta dish or risotto or brodo (soup)
  • Secondo piatto - (main meal) meat or fish dish in which vegetables and salad and potatoes (contorni) have to be ordered separately
  • Dolce - (dessert) which usually consists of sweetness or fruit (frutta della stagione), cheese as a dessert is not ordinary in Sicily

  • This article of is subject to a . Based on . Translated from the Dutch language by Jos Deuling.  

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