Overview of the documents you may need when moving to France

Nathalie Corbin,  Sunday, 19 September 2021

Winegrowing in the Alsace 

Valid passport
Work permit (if applicable)
Driving license, auto insurance papers, and registration certificate.
Birth certificate
Marriage Certificate / Divorce Act
Family register

Sworn translations of your birth certificate, marriage certificate, and all your diplomas.
The last three pay slips
Copies of the last three payments of the rent
Proof of ownership of property or proof of residence
Some gas, water and light proof of payments (not older than six months)
Bank account details in the country of origin
Prove that you have sufficient financial resources (a letter of your bank, for example)
A new employment contract (if applicable)
An updated version of your resume and references. Translated into French.
Passport photos in color
Most recent tax return
A statement about behavior
Medical certificate (also from the dentist)

Tip: Make from each document a few copies. Put a complete set in a plastic folder and take the folder to any official appointment.


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Stokbrood kopen in Frankrijk In France, you can find a bakery on almost every street corner. They often offer a wide variety of different types of bread. For foreigners, this can be quite overwhelming. In this blog post, you'll find an overview of various well-known and lesser-known types of bread. We also provide some tips, and at the very bottom, you'll find a list of literature and a few informative links. 
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